Okay, I�m back.
Aruba is perfect. The breeze always blows. It almost never rains. They take American money. Most tourist stay inside their �all-inclusive� compounds, allowing those tourist who hate other tourists (read �myself�) to roam the island freely. If you�re ever there, you have to do King Ribs.
I will return and soon.
About WMD
Odds are, we have them and securing them as I type this. Smart money says we�re just securing them in order to make sure that no one can pilfer them, then have a sale on Ebay�. President Bush will wait patiently while Democrats paint themselves into a corner. Then, he drops the bomb, so to speak.
Some economic notes
I predict:
The Euro will coast for a few months before it starts to tank.
Natural Gas will skid sideways for a couple of months, before it drops to more reasonable levels as well.
Watch for a gradual increase in M1 and a general re-inflating of the economy as the good Mr. Greenspan decides that deflation is even more evil that inflation.
The Dow runs to about 9300, then coasts for a month or so, before it makes the slow climb to 10K early next year. Year end guess-ta-mation: Dow 9885.
Hillary Clinton's book will fall out of the top ten by September.
12 Jun 03 dpny