Saturday, March 08, 2003

Does this sound reasonable to you?

Dear Mr. President;

The Free Market Capitalism Coalition urges you to stop our country�s move towards economic isolationism. Only by liberalizing global trade and finance laws can we improve worldwide market access. Only through establishing fluid access to multi-national markets can investment flow into developing countries. And it is this market building that creates jobs and raises living standards in so-called underdeveloped countries around the world.

We all know that our national security strategy is in part based on the promolgation of increased global economic growth through free markets and free trade. Our coalition believes the United States must continue to open economic barriers to allow for a more global oriented trading community. Less open/fortunate societies than ours are in the process of climbing out of poverty by following the ideals and practices of modified free market capitalism. Their level of poverty decreases as a direct result of American influence on their business communities and government leaders. The economic freedom that results from increase commercial activity will unleash the potential of their people and assure their future prosperity. Please do not allow the retreat of American values and freedoms from the distant frontiers where democracy meets fascism and anarchy. Nations that choose to share our political and economic beliefs can share in the freedom that occurs in their societies after embracing democratic capitalism giving their people liberties and freedoms never before experienced.

America works, on any number of levels. People vote with their feet. Immigration to America is a common goal through the world. A misguided attempt at pushing an "America for Americans" doctrine will ultimately damage America and American business in some specific sector economies -- sectors like software development and medical processes. But the adverse effects of increased U.S. isolationism will created a festering breeding ground for terrorist networks and drug lords. Before long, the United States is a target for the �have nots� who view our blessed country as an evil, gluttonous empire determined to keep out those less fortunate.

American isolationism has also serious economic repercussions not only on countries trying to improve their societies but on ours as well. One example of the effects of isolationism would have is the decline of customers in leisure and business travel industries in the United States. American airlines are under great financial pressures to maintain affordable fares, while taking on substantial security expenses since 9/11. The leisure industry is taking a direct hit by airline decisions as are other industries such as cruise lines. Peripheral support industries to the leisure industry like food suppliers, travel agencies, hotels, and many others are also experiencing cutbacks in personnel. The effect of isolationism, were the Executive Branch to publicly announce and support a cultural shift in that direction, would have a devastating effect across the entire leisure and luxury travel sectors.

The Free Market Capitalism Coalition believes that a move towards isolationism would ultimately have dire consequences for the United States. Travel agencies and airlines would be nothing short of crippled. The United States is at risk of being seen as a rich, snobbish, selfish, �have� country, and our people and culture will pay this cost of retreating from the world. Trade across all societies can bring peoples together and increase mutual awareness of the differences and similarities between diverse cultures. It helps to educate less fortunate people around the world to better understand the freedoms and privileges we enjoy in America and inspires them to try and achieve the same objective through commerce, not terrorism. Likewise, Americans are further educated in the richness of the cultural diversity that exists on the planet which brings a further awareness to our people of the issues that the rest of world cares about and our society sometimes forgets, such as environmental issues and the spread of pandemic diseases.

In closing, the Free Market Capitalism Coalition would like to state that we are behind you and the government of the United States, the greatest society the world has ever seen. We believe it is through our unique constitution that our people have experienced a standard of living that will not be seen again on this earth. We also believe that through isolationism, the United States risks alienating the entire world against our society, creating an "us vs. them" cultural schism which can be seen manifesting itself in countries that do not have access to our markets today. We need to open those markets, militarily if need be, to allow commerce to reign across the globe.


Ralph of the Burls

You see - I'm not sure that this is not what got us into the problem in the first place.

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