Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Are these two stories related?

Russia deploys air defence on NKorea missile tests


Russia says it tracked hijacked Arctic Sea all along - but questions grow over cargo

Perhaps what was on the boat was more than just timber. I have some sources that tell me that former President Bill Clinton's visit to North Korea was about much more than rescuing a couple of former Vice-President's Al Gore's more dimwitted employees. Sources say that the Russians are a little more than freaked over the increasing out-of-control and paranoid Kim Jung Il.

Perhaps the Russians are just of leery and tired of the endless crisis manufacturing in the Korean north. The Chinese have even more to lose since any damage that befalls us, damages their economy mightily.

I'll think I'll keep an eye on that space. Something is definitely afoot.
Kennedy dead at 77

Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-MA) died yesterday of brain cancer. I made a great deal of fun of him over the years. Sorry to see him go. I was told by everyone who met him that he was a great guy.