Wednesday, January 15, 2003

After a long hiatus, The Catahoula Press is back online. New uncertainties face the new year, but what else is new? It's the same as every other year and only the naive ever think otherwise. North Korea has always been a loose cannon but had been "cleverly" bought off by Mssrs. Carter and Clinton, two of the most feckless world leaders ever. The always erudite Michael Kelly opines that dealing with North Korea involves a sort of time-shifting -- kicking the can to the next administration. I accept his point. However, the blackmail will continue.

Shifting to domestic issues, the candidacy of John Edwards (D-NC) raises an interesting point about Democrats in general and lawyers in particular. Does anyone -- other than me -- realize that the last two elected lawyers, Bill Clinton and Richard Nixon both ended up on the losing side of the impeachment process.

No. There will be no more lawyers elected to the Presidency in the foreseeable future.

15 Jan 03 dpny

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