Sunday, January 26, 2003

Will PETA get behind this?

According to published accounts in Israel, Palestinians are now using donkeys are unmanned homicide bombs. While no people were hurt in this barbaric act, one can only wonder two things. A) where is PETA -- that magnificent manifestation of the wacky Left -- now that Yassir Arafat's murderous gangsters are using dumb beasts in their genocidal attacks against Israel? B) Has Arafat -- and the alphabet soup of imitators -- finally run out of foolish teenagers who refuse to die for his personal fiefdom?

Iran used the same "suicide bomber" tactics in their defense of their homeland from Saddam Hussien in that Jimmy Carter backed war back in the 80s. While hundreds initially signed on to die for Islam and crush the infidels, the recruit pool quickly dried up when they realized that the mullahs' kids never signed up. Besides, it never seemed to work anyway.

But that's Realpolitick. My interest swirls around the Looney / neo-socialist Left and there apparent silence about this. After all, these are the same people who protest the capivity of dolphins at Marine Aquarium theme parks and demand that everyone start conforming to their vegan lifestyle in order to "Save the Planet".

Now, don't get me wrong: I have always suspected that there are some true belivers in PETA. They probably saw Disney's Bambi as a impressionable child and thought it a documentary. However, I have also suspected that the vast majority of PETA's members were either using their menbership as a fashion statement or in it as a way to bed the stoopid. Neither of those groups interest me either.

So how come PETA's leadership has not stood by their convictions at started protesting Arafat et al.? I had the same reservations about their veracity when tapes of Iraqi nerve gas experiments on dogs surface a few years ago. Not a peep of protest, certainly not on the scale of the anti-war protest a week ago in Washington and other locations about the country.

What? Too busy protesting Mommy and Daddy's lifestyle to care about anything outside your backyard?

26 Jan 03 dpny

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