Monday, April 07, 2003

Popular Uprisings

Kuwaiti News as well as FNC are reporting that popular anti-Saddam uprisings are starting to take place in Basrah. This certainly changes the nature of the conflict. This development is probably giving Howell Raines of the NY Times brain bubbles.

God bless'em. I hope the Iraqis enjoy there first days of real freedom. And I hope that the leaders of neighboring countries in the region (read "Syria, Saudi Arabia, Iran et al.") understand that the world has changed and their days of living like despotic shitheads are numbered.

The Government is coming

I wrote in this space about a week ago that we would start seeing increase visibility of a provisial government for Iraq. I gave the process about two weeks. Lo and behold, it's happening. It also looks as if we're finding WMD as well.

The End

In every modern American Conflict, there emerge a new cadre of superstar war reporters. Some are in the trenches -- Ernie Pyle, Morley Safer or Arthur Kent all filed fantastic reports from the field. Others sit on the sidelines and comment -- Ed Morrow, Eric Sevareid and Bernie Shaw come to mind amongst others.

The clear wining in the later category is Vic Hanson. For those who don't know, Dr. Victor Davis Hanson is a classics professor at Cal State Fresno (where Dr. S worked at the Ag School) and his perspective on this conflict by comparing it to others from long ago -- and I don't mean Vietnam -- has changed my world view. His syndicated piece today offers yet another reason why we should not stop until the Ba'athist regime in Iraq is completely destroyed and they surrender unconditionally.

Mark Steyn is a genius

Mark Steyn writes a beautiful piece today in which he says that basically, the war was over two weeks ago and what we're seeing now are merely the death rattles. He makes a great point.

05 Apr 03 dpny

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