Wednesday, May 07, 2003

Well, well, well�

I�ve been AWOL for a few weeks and guess what happened: the War is over. Despite protestations from the annoying left � who still see everything through drug addled prism of Vietnam � it was a major success. Thousand of GIs didn�t come home in body bags. The Iraqi�s did cheer � a least a little bit � when they were liberated. It didn�t create a wider war. And amazingly enough, other despotic killers are starting to cooperate with the US.

Imagine that.

It seems that George W. Bush � the so-called �Idiot Boy King� that the Left both here and abroad so despises � has pulled off a major military and moral victory. Saddam is dead or hiding so far underground that he can�t really hurt anybody. The Iraqis are free to chart their own course and live their lives in a manner to which they will quickly become accustomed.

Who�da thunk it?

Still. There are the nay sayers, like Mike Farrell and Janeane Garofolo who insist that President Bush is a liar and that there free speech was / is being curtailed because they are getting angry feedback from saying ugly things about the president. Yeah, I guess it�s a shame that actions have consequences that �the people� don�t understand that they should listen to �their betters�.

Memo to glammy Hollywood and Musician types carping about the blowback from their opinions about GWB: you are court jesters and little else. Get over yourselves. Unless, of course you�re doing this to keep your name in the news to prop up your sagging career. Then, I guess it�s okay to not take you seriously.

John Edwards as Clinton Lite

I also thought Sen. John Edwards was a gooberhead and would, in private conversations, decry him as Clinton Lite. However, in light if stories surfacing about campaign finance malfeasant, I guess Mr. Edwards thinks he can make it to the big time. In this story from the Winston-Salem Journal, it appears that the Justice Department is looking into whether or not certain campaign contribution that came from employees of a law firm that understood that their contributions would be �reimbursed�. Money graf:

The investigation was prompted by news reports about $2,000 contributions to the Edwards campaign made by four legal assistants at the [Little Rock, Arkansas-based] Turner & Associates firm. One donor, Michelle D. Abu-Halmeh, told The Washington Post that Tab Turner, the firm's principal lawyer, said he would reimburse her for her donation. Turner said last week that Abu-Halmeh would not be reimbursed.

Shades of Charlie Trie, Clinton�s bag man from Little Rock. It appears the real power base in the Democratic Party, former President Bill Clinton, has anointed him his heir apparent.


It appears the New York experiment is back on. After months of job searches in the Raleigh metro area, it appears we�re stuck here, for now. Oh, well.

07 May 03 dpny

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