Saturday, July 10, 2004

An incredible fisking of Michael Moore

This is terrific screed from James Lileks hammers Michael Moore in fashion I've not seen elsewhere. A must read (hat tip to Andrew the Genius).

Of Yellowcake, Jospeh Wilson and Lies

This piece in the Washington Post basically says that Joe Wilson is a liar and a partisan hack. Check this:

Wilson last year launched a public firestorm with his accusations that the administration had manipulated intelligence to build a case for war. He has said that his trip to Niger should have laid to rest any notion that Iraq sought uranium there and has said his findings were ignored by the White House.

Wilson's assertions -- both about what he found in Niger and what the Bush administration did with the information -- were undermined yesterday in a bipartisan Senate intelligence committee report.

The panel found that Wilson's report, rather than debunking intelligence about purported uranium sales to Iraq, as he has said, bolstered the case for most intelligence analysts. And contrary to Wilson's assertions and even the government's previous statements, the CIA did not tell the White House it had qualms about the reliability of the Africa intelligence that made its way into 16 fateful words in President Bush's January 2003 State of the Union address.

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