Friday, September 16, 2005

I always thought Garrison Keillor was an asshole

And this confirms it. He's suing a blogger for a parody.

This is what always bothers me about the left: their arrogant humorlessness. Everything they see is framed in the politics of Oppression by the Pale Penis People and I, for one, am so sick of it. I guess this goes a long way to explain the success of Rush Limbaugh, who has made a career out of being politically incorrect (he probably coined the termed.)

Almost all of my New York, Jewish, live-in-The-City relatives are like this. They hate President George Bush because of the way he looks (yes, they actually said that). They ask me, in all seriousness, if I would send my daughter to die in Iraq. That I'm not willing to "sacrifice my own child" to the endeavor somehow negates it's worth. Nevermind, that we have a volunteer army and that parents don't own their adult children. If my daughter wanted to enlist -- as an adult -- then that wouldn't matter.

They are all of the same mind. Time to turn off NPR. And defund it completely.

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