Thursday, September 01, 2005

I think I'm starting to agree

From the Times-Picayune:

House Speaker: Rebuilding N.O. doesn't make sense

Thursday, 2:55 p.m.

By Bill Walsh
Washington bureau

WASHINGTON - House Speaker Dennis Hastert dropped a bombshell on flood-ravaged New Orleans on Thursday by suggesting that it isn’t sensible to rebuild the city.
In NC, we don't allow people to rebuild their vacation houses on barrier islands if they are completely destroyed. If the house is gone, it's too bad. New Orleans is beneath sea level. Aside from from it's role as a petroleum port, there really isn't any other industry other tourism. New Orleans has become a odd sort of historical them park saturated in vice. Crime has always been bad there and the corruption is legendary. There should be a discussion. I really don't want to subsidize other people's lifestyle.

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