Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Iraq torture:

St. Andrew the Sactimonious scolds his lessors about virtue:
"The alleged mistreatment of detainees and the inhumane conditions at an Iraqi Ministry of Interior detention facility is very serious, and totally unacceptable," - from the U.S. commanders who have uncovered torture by the Iraqi army. We led by example, didn't we?
We lead by example? Why on earth are you holding the Iraqi army to the same standards as the US Army? It's their country that's being overrun with villains from Iran and Syria. Moreover, how is Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld responsiblity for this? Is he the commander of the Iraqi Army? How does that chain of command work?

What bothers me the most about "advocacy journalist" like Andrew and his ilk is that they come off of secular high priests. They're always scolding public officials and demanding that they adhere to a higher moral standard than is practicable in the real world. But like the priestly caste in the Middle Ages, they are not really responsible for anything. They don't have to deal with "the insurgency". Or garbage collection. Or school reconstruction. Or anything else. It is almost as if they believe their job description is "moral conscience" of humanity.

The reality of warfare is simple: shoot the bad guys before they shoot you. And if you "capture" a non-uniformed "insurgent", then the Geneva Convention allows you to summarily execute them. That's what we did with non-uniformed German nationals acting as sabateurs in The Second German War. That what the Iraqis can see fit to do now, Andrew's priestly mewing not withstanding.

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