Thursday, January 05, 2006

NSA eavesdropping and impeachment

I just love when the hysterical left loses control of their hatred of President Bush and does something wacky. Of Late, the talk is of impeachment over the NSA monitoring overseas communications between suspected al Qaida operatives and people in the US. From Debra Saunders of the San Francisco Chronicle -- hardly a right wing rag -- a nice synopsis of what the left think is happening and what it thinks it can accomplish:
The Left -- from The Nation's Katrina vanden Heuvel to Newsweek's Jonathan Alter -- has pulled out the impeachment card and is brandishing it as the weapon that will drive George W. Bush from the White House. This could be more than talk. Democratic Sen. Barbara Boxer is consulting with legal eagles as she explores the idea.

I must say, I am tickled at their efforts. I supported impeaching the perjury-prone President Clinton, but preferred censure to removing him from office. I also saw the damage to Republicans who pushed to chase Clinton out of office.

But the Bush-haters won't heed history, not when they see an opportunity to relive the glory days of Watergate: Republicans evil; Democrats uncorrupted; reporters respected. As Alter wrote after the story broke that President Bush authorized the National Security Agency to eavesdrop on international calls in efforts to uncover possible agents of al Qaida, "Similar abuse of power was part of the impeachment charge brought against Richard Nixon in 1974."

Angry leftists are so hysterical that they cannot distinguish between government agents eavesdropping on a president's political enemies, and the data mining of international phone calls in an earnest effort to thwart another Sept. 11 terrorist attack. They don't see that Bush, rather then trying to hide his role in the effort, signed off on the program more than 30 times.

What I find interesting is that technology can protect average citizens from death or injury from the hand of al Qaida with a minimum of disturbance. Looking back only 65 years, the Federal Government under Franklin Roosevelt interned (meaning locked up behind barbed wire and guarded with guns) all the Japanese Americans in California and surrounding areas. At the time, nobody even questioned it -- certainly not the Democratic Party. Now, because of a blind hatred of George Bush and a desire to remove him from office by whatever means necessary, the Democratic Party is willing to endanger the lives of Americans -- who overwhelmingly support the idea of having the NSA warrantlessly eavesdropping on bad guys.

One has to wonder, do Liberals and Congressional Democrats really think that NSA spying on foreign communications is dire infringement on our civil liberties? Do they really think it will advance their goals of becoming the majority party again? Do they really think that aiding and abetting the enemy will win them votes in the '06 election? Or keep their constituents lives safer?

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