Tuesday, July 13, 2004

A brilliant distillation of the 2004 Presidential race

From Real Clear Politics:

We've seen the same pattern from most Democrats this time around. First, we saw near universal acceptance of US intelligence estimates (which we've since come to learn were badly flawed), followed by grandiose speeches in late 2002 full of sharp rhetoric and talk of consequences for Hussein, followed by.......absolute and utter outrage at the President of the United States for actually taking action.

That is indeed what it comes down to: a choice between somebody who would actually take action in a crisis and somebody who would waffle and try to triangulate his way out of the problem. President Bush gambled everything to do what he and everybodty else including the Democrats thought was the right thing: whacking Saddam Hussien.I argued persausively in this space that it was the right thing to do regardless of the WMD arguement.Sen. John Kerry once voted for the war in Iraq, then came out against the war on 60 Minutes Sunday night. In a post-9/11, post-Clinton world, being a thoughtful "intelligent" wimp, is not going to cut it in Flyover America. The world is too dangerous.

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