Saturday, July 17, 2004

Iran, the enemy

I've said this before, Iran is the wellspring of most of the world's terrorism. Now Time is reporting that the 9/11 Commission will be reporting that Iran had closer ties to those attacks than Iraq.

This is actually good. I've been saying it for a while as has such luminaries as Michael Ledeen. And note, we have hundreds of thousand of troops in Afghanistan and Iraq, effectively surrounding Iran. Perhaps now, if President Bush can vanquish Senator Lurch, I mean Sen. John Kerry in the November election, th US can finally undo that most lasting of Jimmy Carter's stain on America, the Iranian hostage crisis.

Martha Stewart (Penitentiary) Living

Of all of the useless New York celebrities exports to flyover country, Martha Stewart has to be the worst. This dominatrix of domesticity has empowered the tastelessly upwardly mobile to clad themselves in a veneer of faux New England-ness. Never mind that what she did was a felony (darling, didn't you learn from Bill Clinton that you can't lie to The Feds?).

So now she goes to jail in Danbury, Connecticut. You do the crime, you do the time.

But now, in an ABC - Barbara Walters interview, she compares herself to -- get this -- Nelson Mandela.

Now lemme get this straight: Nelson Mandela was jailed because he stood up for racial equality under the law. You went to jail because you lied to the feds about a crooked stock trade.

I guess that she will never know that her real sin was hubris. As was true with Bill, she has yet to learn that laws aren't for other people.

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