Monday, October 10, 2005

Alright, remember where you heard this first

The next set of Al-Qaida-esque bombing will take place on college campuses and not necessarily in a major metropolitan areas. With bombs found at Georgia Tech in Atlanta, and the suicide bombing in Norman, Oklahoma, it appear that a trend is starting to manifest itself. And if this is the case, why?

It comes down to one very simple truth: the only place in America that you can be rabidly anti-American and still remain fashionable is the college campus, where smug intellectual "superiority" is the rule of the day. This is the kind of place where hatred of all things American -- a rebellion against mommy and daddy where they are no where to be found -- is in itself a fashion statement. This is a unreality where trust-afarians -- the sons and daughter of the most affluent Americans -- can renouce their pasts and become Che Guevera t-shirt wearing socialists. And, rather that seem stupid, they seem principled. They are, for lack of a better expression, cool.

So, why would Al-Qaida choose to recruit on American college campuses? Simple, they can find just enough disaffected losers who are not poseurs but really want to make a statement, and have them self-detonate to the greater glory of La Causa. Indeed, if the reports are true that the Norman, Oklahoma bomber did attend mosque and did try to purchase a large amount of ammonium nitrate and have Pakistani roommates that have subsequently disappeared, then maybe, just maybe this is the beginning a larger trend.

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