Tuesday, October 11, 2005

I almost think I should be wearing a tin-foil hat

Michelle Malkin is absolutely on top of rash of bombs / bombings at college campuses. Her recent attempt to draw a link between the stolen Cessna Citation jet and collegiate jihadi bomber wannabes may be a bit tenuous. Still, the idea that somebody can just steal a business jet and drive it where ever they want is very disconcerting. Ms. Malkin reports that the plan was stolen from St. Augustine, Florida and was then piloted by person or person's unknown to the Gwinett County airport in Georgia. This, Maklin reports, is the same airfield where two of the 9/11 hijackers trained for their mission.

My guess is that somebody will try something between now and the end of the year; some sort of coordinated attack at a number of college campuses with maybe a wild arial surprise thrown in if they can steal more than one plane at a time. The bad guys want to take the fight to the enemy. It would be a great way to rally the troop in Iraq.

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