Friday, November 05, 2010

Reflections on the elections

It's been a long time since I posted anything in this space. But since there has been an election, I felt the urge to comment:

1. The Republicans carried The House in a convincing manner and lost taking the Senate by pushing untested ideologues instead of people who can win. Buckley's Dictum should always henceforth be observed: "vote for the most conservation candidate that can win". 'Nuff said.

2. There is a scandal brewing in President Obama's White House that runs all the way back to Chicago and features Tony Rezko, and former Governor Rod "Hot Rod" Blagojevich. It got very little play in the Mainstream Press so far and the Democratic Leadership in Congress helped to shield the president against it. But now that the Republicans have taken over The House, that shield is gone. There are some stories circulating around Washington that even so to be Ex-Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) is in league with certain elements of the Democratic Party to assist the Republicans in taking down President Obama. There are unconfirmed report using anonymous source -- 'natch -- that Establishment Democrats are sickened by Obama's seemingly cavalier disregard for the day to day work of being the president. That it's all about vacation and enjoying the perks office but not actually doing the work. One source stated that once the Republicans actually take over in January, that the investigation will start and Obama will be thrown under the bus by the Establishment Democrats seeking to save the national party. Allegedly, both the Clintons and Pelosi have enough of the dirt to sink the Obama presidency. They just want the Republicans to do it for them.

3. The Scandal seems to involve the politically connected ShoreBank. The bank, which failed in August is closely connected to White House aide Valeria Jarrett, one of President Obama's closest advisers since former Chief of Staff Rahn Emmauel left earlier this year. According to FoxBusines Channel. three large wall street investment bacnks -- Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Morgan Stanley -- pressured by FDIC Chairwoman Shiela Bair to contribute liquidity  ($150 million) to ShoreBank before it failed. Congressman Spencer Bachus (R-AL), the ranking member and soon to be chairman of the House Financial Services Committee, has been calling for investigation into ShoreBank. Come January, he'll more than likely get his wish.

Interesting if true. I'll keep you posted.

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