This week, Donald Trump raised his profile by doing something I personally thought was impossible: he forced President Barack Obama into releasing his "long form" birth certificate. Leaving aside the fact that it was clearly altered, it was an extremely telling moment. The Donald – the butt of jokes for nearly two decades – forced The President of the United States to do something he didn't want to do.
Later in the week, he uncorked a series of "F bombs" during a speech in Las Vegas. Far from being an "unguarded" moment, The Donald knew exactly what he was doing and knew it would go viral. What he did, in essence was go "Samuel L. Jackson" on OPEC and The Chinese. The result brought down the house.
If you haven't seen it, imagine this classic Samuel L. Jackson line from Snakes on a Plane: "Enough is enough! I have had it with these #!@^&* snakes on this #!@^&* plane!" Change "snakes" and "plane" to "OPEC" and "the Chinese." Now, ask yourself this question: how come somebody else -- some serious politician -- said this sooner?
Well, The Donald said it and predictably, the professional "conservative" class immediately piled on and made fun of him. "What we need", I heard the noon time radio talker exclaim "is another Reagan." I listened for a few more minutes while the host conjured the glowing image of President Reagan before I turned it off. It was at that moment I began a Post-Reagan Conservative (PRC).
This host is not alone. It seems all the talkers have come out holding the golden idol of Ronaldus Magnus like a holy relic. "We don't need The Donald," they intone gravely. "We need another Reagan."
Er, no we don't. Ronald Reagan was for some, a hero. And while he may have been a lot of things, he was no fiscal conservative. His gig was smashing the Ruskies and winning the Cold War, which he did. And he did cut taxes. But he never cut spending. Didn't even suggest it.
Reagan was a man of his time. We needed him then to stand up for America, stop détente, and win The Cold War. He did all that. In contrast to the man he replaced, Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan was a Titan. Jimmy Carter was a small man with an internationalist bent, forever apologizing for American greatness. Remind you of anybody?
Reagan's American and the challenges he faced are long gone. America lives in a different time with different challenges, most of them economic. America does need a champion who will stand up for its values and fight for its place in the world. America needs someone his strident in his passion for his country; someone who is sick and tired of being pushed around. America needs an economic warrior who won't back down in a confrontation with OPEC or the Chinese.
I'm not saying The Donald is that person, but I am saying he could be. Finding another Reagan is akin to fighting the last war. The French tried it against Hitler and look where it got them. Maybe we do need The Donald or someone very much like him. Because after just a few years of Obama, there are a lot of people in America waiting for someone to say "enough is enough…"
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