Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Obama Scandal watch v 1.6

The always interesting Ulsterman has an interesting Insider report. The nut: Fast and Furious may well have been designed as a way to advance some gun control legislation AND there might be a memo about it floating around. Straight to the audio tape:

Been told there is a memo, or was a memo, tying Fast and Furious directly to some kind of proposed gun control legislation or plan.  Not certain how developed it was.  Something that was pending.  The memo is a direct link between the program and the gun control issue. An entire coordinated effort that required people to be killed.  It is being talked about, but I have not seen it or spoken with anyone who has.  So who knows?  If it does exist and if [Darrell] Issa (R-CA) or someone comparable to him has it, then it implicates the administration at an entirely new level of corruption here.  We’re talking about people marching on the White House and throwing them out on their ass.

If this is the case – and this Insider, whoever he / she might be is usually right – then this is a really big deal. Rush has been mentioning this for more than a week.We’ll see, won’t we?

Okay, the 21st Century is officially cool, as far as I’m concerned

Richard Branson has opened the world’s first commercial spaceport. That, coupled with the iPad, mean the sci-fi future of my childhood has finally arrived. And no, I don’t want a George Jetson brand flying car. The same butt head that cut me off on the expressway would be crashing into my house.

Manage your own friggin’ decline, mister

There is nothing more enraging that getting advice from complete losers that made a muck of everything. This piece from the Financial Times of London penned by Gideon Rachman, tells us here in The Colonies that we need to manage our national decline and that “Denial is not a strategy”. This is the same guy who, in 2008, advocated a world government along the lines of the EU. We all know how well that’s working out.

Well, as my old buddy Kevin P. once said, whilst living in jolly old England, “this is nothing more than the socialist underbelly of a former world power. A hundred fifty years ago, they ran the world. Now they’re just another Euro[trash] country. What a bunch of losers.”

And while the Mr. Rachman may have a point about the UK managing their decline – theirs was an empire of conquered territory – they still had a commonwealth that stood astride the whole world. However, since the 1950s, they’ve become, as T.E. Lawrence once said of the Arabs, a “little people”.

Your advice, while appreciated, will go unheeded, at least by Republicans.

Tell us how you really feel, Joe

Joe Klein, that genius that gave us Primary Colors, has just published this little gem:

Herman Cain strikes me as something of a jerk and an ignoramus.

Now, if anyone says that about President Obama, my suspicion is that the gates of Hell would open up and the every conventional MSM apparatchik would scream “BIGOT” in all caps. This however, is just par for the course when it comes to the MSM. Maybe, just maybe, I should cut and paste the entire piece, and replace Barack Obama for Herman Cain. Let’s see how well that goes over amongst the mouthbreathers.

Low flying planes over Burlington?

Apparently. Natives have reported that several “big, heavy transport” type planes flying low and circling over parts of Alamance County. While both the local constabulary and the local airport officials have no insight into the matter, there is the distinct possibility that these are the planes that President Obama uses to cart his “tour” (read “campaign”) buses around.

Krispy Kreme to expand internationally

Why should we have all the fun? Besides, don’t they have cops in other countries?

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