Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The Parasite’s Manifesto

Now the “Occupy Wall Street” Movement wants to stage a “National Convention” in Philadelphia next summer so they can “air their grievances”. Among them:

  1. All elections to be paid for by “the Public”, with no private monies used at all. Any contribution to a political candidate would be illegal.
  2. Immediate reversal of the Citizen’s United case. Guess the 1st Amendment can only apply to government sanctioned communication.
  3. Single payer health care. Paid for by somebody else, ‘natch.
  4. Giving the power to the EPA to shut down any business that “intentionally or recklessly damage the environment”, whatever that means.
  5. Student debt relief.
  6. Immediate passage of the Dream Act.

And it goes on and on. Typical trust funded stupidity from the Ivy League’s so-called best and brightest. Actions demanded without regards to consequences, sort of like spending $200,000 USD of other people’s money to get a degree in Women’s Studies. Nothing like dropping that kind of coin to graduate and find out that one is perfectly qualified to be a woman, regardless of gender.


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