Thursday, November 10, 2005

Al Qaida and the brain of Barbra Streisand

There is nearly no limit to the kind of pugnacious ignorance that accompanies those of the left who are blind Bush-haters. No smoking gun is smoking enough for these people. The big meme that they and their fellow travelers in the MSM parrot is that coalition forces never found any Weapons of Mass Destruction (WMDs) in Iraq.

That's a lie, or at least an untruth. In fact, we did find WMDs in Iraq -- lots of them. We did indeed discover nearly two tons of enriched uranium (enough to make 30 Hiroshima-sized bombs). We did indeed discover thousands of empty artillery shells stored next underground bunker filled with two different agricultural pesticides that, when combined, make a variant of sarin gas -- a nerve agent. We did indeed discover prohibited long range missiles that were capable of delivering both.

Oh no, that doesn't matter because to the left, we "never found any WMDs." It is now time for those of us who supported the war for all the right reasons, to call these fools on the carpet and publicly embarrass them as much as is practicable.

Which brings me to Barbra Streisand, certainly one of the highest profile knuckleheads on the planet -- or "useful idiot" to borrow an entry from Joseph Stalin's lexicon. Below, she opines that it's time to impeach President George Bush because "we were misled."

If there was ever a time in history to impeach a President of the United States, it would be now. In my opinion, it is two years too late. We should have done this before the election to spare the country the misjudgment, the incompetence and the malfeasance of this administration. Let us remember that UN weapons inspectors asked for more time to search Iraq for WMDs. Two months into their search, the Director General of the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, Mohamed ElBaradei, stated that he found no evidence that Iraq had revived its nuclear weapons program since its elimination in the 1990s. And Saddam Hussein had begun to comply with the administration's demands. Why would you invade a country if there was still a chance for peace? Shouldn't war be an absolute last resort? We went to war because we were misled [boldface mine]. And we should be angry because of the 2,000 American soldiers and the 200 armed coalition forces that have died. We should be livid because of the 15,000 American soldiers that have been horribly maimed and wounded. We should be disgusted because of the 30,000 innocent Iraqi civilians that have been killed and the 20,000 that are wounded after administration officials claimed that the US was going to liberate the Iraqi people.

When does it stop? It stops with the indictment and impeachment of this corrupt, power-hungry, greedy group of incompetent leaders. How many more have to die before this happens?

We were "misled"? I don't think so. We found the WMDs in various states of disrepair. But they were still there and could have been reconstituted and / or sold to Al Qaida miscreants. She goes on:

There was no connection between Iraq and 9/11, despite Dick Cheney's many assertions. There were no WMD's and the CIA had intelligence which corroborated that evidence. There was no nuclear threat contrary to Condoleezza Rice's "smoking gun becoming a mushroom cloud" scare tactic.

What about the two tons of uranium, Barbra? What about the terrorist training camps like Salman Pak in Iraq, where terrorists were instructed in how to hijack airplanes? What about Mohammed Atta meeting with a senior Iraq Intelligence officers in Prague? And what Abu al-Zarqawi? He was operating in Iraq and being financed by Saddam Hussein long before we invaded.

Useful idiot indeed.


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