Monday, November 07, 2005

Saudi Arabia or Iran?

John Ruberry at Marathon Pundit (linked in the right hand column) makes the case that Saudi "charities" are behind the funding of the rioters in Iraq. That's a fair point, I suppose, as far as it goes. The Saudis have been using their charities to export their anti-western, anti-modern form of Islam for years. So I'll agree with Mr. Ruberry on that point. But what about the operational aspect of these "riots"? (I hesitate to call them that, as these are orchestrated attacks on private and government assets and infrastructures.) The idea that French Police found a "factory" (see the store linked below), for the production of gasoline bombs smells more like al Qaida / Iran than disaffected "youths", upset about being excluded from "the mainstream".

BTW, follow that meme as the MSM tries to"make sense" of this "tragedy", without acknowledging either the transnational and terrorist elements in play here. For boomer journalists, it's always 1968 -- the French Riots are just like the 60s race riots and Iraq is Vietnam redux.

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