Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Paris riots: Paristan meets New Orleans

In a scene reminiscent of post-Katrina New Orleans, another disaster in Paris last evening as French Muslim rioters torched and looted cars and superstores in the outskirts of Paris last night despite beefed up security.

From the AP:

France declared a state of emergency Tuesday to quell the country's worst unrest since the student uprisings of 1968 that toppled a government, and the prime minister said the nation faced a "moment of truth" over its failure to integrate Arab and African immigrants and their children.

Rioters ignored the extraordinary security measures, which began Wednesday, as they looted and burned two superstores, set fire to a newspaper office and paralyzed France's second largest city's subway system with a gasoline bomb.

The measures, valid for 12 days, clear the way for curfews after nearly two weeks of rioting in neglected and impoverished neighborhoods with largely Muslim communities....

Images of teenagers from immigrant families pelting riot police with stones and gasoline bombs _ reminiscent of Palestinian youths attacking Israeli patrols _ are resonating throughout the Arab world.

The Egyptian daily Al-Massaie referred to the riots as "the intefadeh of the poor." Arabic satellite networks have given lead coverage to the mayhem, with regular live reports. Newspapers throughout the region have closely followed the story, calling it a "nightmare" and a "war of the suburbs."

Now watch as anti-western lynch mobs arrive in France by hook or crook to help their "brothers" in the struggle. At some point, the US government is going to have to smuggle France's nukes out of the country to prohibit these miscreants from getting their hands on them.

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