Monday, November 07, 2005

From Reuters via the Washington Post:

Catch the last graf (ital. mine):

PARIS (Reuters) - France announced plans on Monday to impose curfews on rundown suburbs hit by violence to try to halt almost two weeks of unrest in which one man has been killed and thousands of cars have been torched.

Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin rejected demands to call out the army but promised a firm line against rioters after violence hit a new level on Sunday night, prompting warnings that the unrest could damage investment and tourism in France.

As Villepin outlined his plans on Monday evening, violence erupted in a suburb of the southwestern city of Toulouse, where police said youths set fire to a bus and 21 cars.

At least two cars were set ablaze near Lille in the north, Reuters reporters said. Fourteen cars were on fire in the Yvelines district west of Paris and 17 in Seine-Saint-Denis north of the capital, police said.

The U.S. embassy in Paris issued a new warning to Americans traveling in France to be careful following Sunday night's violence, in which more than 1,400 cars were torched, 36 police were hurt and three schools and two churches were attacked.

So, is France a Third World Country yet? Or is it "quagmire" that the French should withdraw from? Or will they mount a brave resistance like they did in The Second German War?


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