Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Paris riots: Iranian comment -- "due respect"

In the time it took me to write an opening lead and start cutting and pasting, the Iranian News Service posted an opinion piece. In it, they charged that the French were trying to "assimilate [muslim immigrants] into western society without due respect to their culture and religion" [ital. mine].

"Due respect". This from a society that executes Christians, Buddhists and Hindus? Excuse me, isn't it implied that when one "assimilates" one takes on the the larger culture of the new land and casts off at least the old culture if not necessarily the old religion?

That seals it. Iran is pulling the strings in order to get the Chirac Government to cave in some important way, maybe even something like limited automony like in the tribal areas of Pakistan, or affirmative action in fields that would allow hiring "French" muslims to control the firing codes of their strategic missile forces.

Rationale: to have a forward base next to the enemy's capital. France already has nuclear weapons and the launch vehicles that can strike all of western and eastern Europe. Maybe even The States and Canada.

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