Wednesday, November 09, 2005

Paris riots: Not down under thank you

From the London Independent:

Hundreds of armed police were involved in yesterday's pre-dawn raids in Sydney and Melbourne, the largest anti-terrorism operation mounted in Australia. One of the 17 suspects was in a critical condition in hospital after being shot in the neck during a gunfight with police. The others appeared in court yesterday, charged with conspiring to carry out a terrorist act and belonging to a proscribed organisation. Police say they seized chemicals similar to those used in the London Underground bombings in July.

The raids and arrests appeared to vindicate the Prime Minister, John Howard, who last week rushed an amendment to existing counter- terrorism laws through parliament, claiming it was necessary to foil a specific threat.

Critics accused him of trying to divert attention from unpopular domestic policies, including proposed legislation eroding trade union rights.

You goota love that last graf. To the left, the war on terror is political diversion from the"real issues" like trade union rights. It's almost as if the left doesn't realize that they are in the same boat as everybody else, and that terrorism doesn't just afflict the right side of the aisle, but everyone. Its like thet want the right to drill a hole in their side of the boat, regardless of how it effects anybody else.

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