Monday, November 07, 2005

The riots in Paris escalate

From the Washington Times:
PARIS -- Police officers, exhausted and dispirited after 11 nights of street battles, say their mainly young African and Arab adversaries have access to sophisticated weapons including grenades and could soon begin using them.
A dozen officers were injured, two of them seriously, after being shot with hunting rifles fitted with lead pellets during rioting last night in the suburb of Grigny, south of Paris, police said.
Now, where do you think these "youths" are getting grenades? The local cops say they are being "coached" by petty criminals. I don't believe it. This has the fingerprints of al Qaida and their Iranian terrormasters.

Faster please.
Iran, an Najaf and Karbala

I was wondering why the Brits and Iraqis were having such a tough time in southern Iraq near Basrah. Well, my sources tell me that that British and Iraqi forces are having firefights with Iranian Revolutionary Guards. But why there and not really anywhere else?

Reason: an Najaf and Karbala are home to two of the most sacred shrines in Shia Islam. And Iran, being a theocracy, wants to consolidate the entire sect within it's borders.

Prediction: the shooting war with Iran will start sooner rather than later.

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